Thomas W. Jones, PhD, CG, FASG, FUGA, FNGS has pursued his family’s history since 1963. For the first twenty-five years he was clueless about what he was trying to accomplish and how to do it. When he started climbing the genealogy learning curve he repeatedly experienced the challenges, joys, and rewards of tracing ancestors reliably and fully understanding their lives. Tom eventually became an award-winning genealogical researcher, writer, editor, and educator. He also is a professor emeritus from Gallaudet University, where he designed and managed graduate programs, conducted research, and taught and mentored graduate students for twenty-seven years. Tom, a former trustee and past president of the Board for Certification of Genealogists, co-edited the National Genealogical Society Quarterly from 2003 through 2018. He wrote the textbooks Mastering Genealogical Documentation and Mastering Genealogical Proof, three chapters in Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards, and one chapter in Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies. A popular speaker at national and local genealogical society conferences, he teaches genealogy courses and classes at the Family History Academy, Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh, Institute on Genealogy and Historical Research, and Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy.
The words Certified Genealogist and letters CG are registered certification marks of the Board for Certification of Genealogists®, used under license by authorized associates following peer-reviewed competency evaluations. FASG is Fellow of the American Society of Genealogist, to which 50 members are elected based on their published genealogical scholarship. FASG and FNGS are honorifics from, respectively, the Utah Genealogical Association and the National Genealogical Society.
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