When should I arrive?
One of our cruisers had a great question: “how many days prior to boarding the ship in Montreal should I plan on arriving?” In other words, are we doing anything in Montreal?
We are working on ideas right now and waiting to hear back from our Montreal contact. In the meantime we are putting together a guide for libraries/archives/museums available in the ports that we will be stopping at so you can decide what you would like to do. The only place we have plans (but they are voluntary and you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to) is Halifax where we will visit the Pier 21 Museum and Boston on the Tuesday we return. Other than that we are working on some other ideas.
If there’s something you want to do, please contact Terri O’Connell at Cruise Planners and she can arrange that excursion for you. Want to stay in Montreal or Boston? We are working on hotels but you can also contact Terri for your hotel reservations. You don’t have to stay where the group stays.